Wednesday, December 28, 2011

One more week!

In exactly one week I will be driving up to south Carolina for Tyler's graduation. I am so excited and can't believe it's finally here. It seems like forever since he left.

I celebrated Christmas with my family. It was sad to me because it didn't feel right with him gone. Now I get to celebrate with his family on Saturday. Really not looking forward to that. What's the point in pushing back Christmas to 5 days before he comes home? Why not just celebrate with him?

I'm also busy with work to prepare for the time off. So blogging has been on the back burner. And I got a couple really nasty and funny emails/comments about my adoption post. I will be addressing those later this week. They deserve their own post.

Hope everyone is having a great week.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ugh December Really?

I cannot believe that its only 19 days until Christmas. Time is flying by. Only 5 more weeks until I get my babe back. I simply cannot wait.

Work has been crazy. Some days I love my job and other days I want to stay home in bed with my blankets over my head. Lately I'm in a funk where I hate things. I mostly just want T home and the holidays seem weird and lonely without him. I feel like I shouldn't be celebrating when he can't. And being around his family without him is awkward. Some of them make me feel like I still belong there since we have been together for so long and we are getting married. Others like to refer to me as the "latest girlfriend". I sure hope that I'm the latest. We have been together since right after high school and before half of them were married.

Stay tuned later this week I have big news.

Happy Tuesday Y'all