Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Troops

I don't understand how some people can say things to total strangers. Or how people can engage in heated arguments with "friends" on Facebook for a thought they posted. Even though I realize Facebook is public you expect friends to be respectful of your opinions even when they are different. And strangers should just keep comments to themselves. The other day I was at Target getting a few things. While standing in the longest line known to man my phone rang. It was a wedding vendor from the bridal show I went to a few months back. I explained we haven't set a date because my fiancé is in basic right now. After I got off the phone the older woman behind me tapped my shoulder. She told me "the military is not a real or educated career choice, they are all cowardly boys with guns." I think my jaw hit the floor but being myself I followed that up with " those cowards protect your freedom to have and voice those opinions even when they are wrong." She told me I had no respect and went to another line which was good because I almost went off on her. I always grew up that you support the troops even when you don't support a war. At the end of the day they are just doing their job and it has a lot more occupational hazards than most. And considering that all military is voluntary, they are the farthest from a coward I can think of.

Sorry for the vent but this really irritated me. I am BEYOND proud of T and his decision to be a marine. I can't wait until his graduation and see him in his dress blues. Only 71 more days..... Not that I'm counting or anything. :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another day down.

Ever since I moved home in May I have been looking for a job. Unfortunately in the Atlanta area that's easier said than done. But the past week I have had two amazing interviews. In supposed to hear back tomorrow on both and I'm really hoping I get offered one of them. The interview I went to today is fulltime in a great office for a same company. Just the kind of place I would love to work. Fingers crossed for good news tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also the annual jewelry sale with b. I'm excited because she said its amazing and really what girl doesn't like jewelry?

Then I get to finish up things for my Scentsy party on November 5th. I'm thrilled to be starting my own business. Especially when I'm already obsessed with the product. If you know anyone who wants to buy let me know.

I will leave you with a pic of my adorable fur baby right after I got her. I wish she was still that small. Thankfully Lexington is still that lazy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

2 Letters and 2 Weeks Down

Today started out as an average monday. I got up, mailed a letter to T and ran a few errands with my mama. After going and getting my hair cut, I came home to two letter fresh from basic. I am like a child on Christmas when I see them. So excited and happy to hear from my love. But then after I read them, I miss him a thousand times more. Most of the time I stay busy with things to keep from focusing on him being gone. I'm used to not seeing him everyday because we have been living in different states but not talking, texting, webcamming, or face-timing has been horrible. At least with each letter I know he is doing well. Actually in his words, he is " not getting f-ed up". I suppose I should get used to the cursing... Apparently it goes with the uniform. Lucky for him, he will look dang good in dress blues.

I'm off to write him another letter now.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So I decided to start a blog. For no real reason. The Mr left on Oct. 1oth and I miss him like crazy. Most days its takes a crazy amount of will power, caffeine and some chocolate to keep me from breaking into a million pieces. Its funny how I thought I was prepared for basic. I went out of state to college for a year while we were dating but this still hit me harder than I expected. I think that it might have helped that we have already done one separation.

Most days I have been keeping busy planning my Scentsy party in two weeks or pre-planning wedding stuff. We can't set a date until he gets to MOS school so I'm just playing with ideas right now. And my Pinterest is coming in handy in that department. :)

Since his mom got the form letter today I think I will go write him a letter.