So when I blogged last T was graduating from Basic. I had every intention of blogging again after he returned to base but I got sick and sidetracked and just lazy. Now that January is already over let's do a little recap shall we?
My year started off with my best friend graduating from basic and coming home for 10 amazing days. We spent a lot of it just relaxing at home since we were both sick and I wouldn't change that. Right now he is in North Carolina for MCT then goes to Pensacola for MOS. Look at me using fancy acronyms :) . I'm so incredibly proud of T and everything he is doing. And he looks damn good in a uniform.
After he left my parents announced they are getting divorced. I still live at home for right now so that has been an adjustment.
And on Sunday my mom, my moms best friend and my two sisters in law wet dress shopping. Not only did we go looking I found my dream dress. It's so perfect I keep texting pics of it to everyone. It's a good thing we plan on getting married this summer in Vegas. I cannot keep this dress hidden from Tyler for very long.
Did ya catch that little remark? Vegas! We decided to invite our families to Vegas for our wedding. Something fun and not crazy over the top. I will still have my dress and him in dress blues and tons of pictures. It will be amazing and I cannot wait.
And because I couldn't resist and he doesn't read my blog.